Introduction to Visual Studio and it is Toolbars

What is Visual Studio?

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web applications and web services. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce both native code and managed code.

Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense (the code completion component) as well as code refactoring. The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a forms designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. It accepts plug-ins that enhance the functionality at almost every level—including adding support for source-control systems (like Subversion) and adding new toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects of the software development lifecycle (like the Team Foundation Server client: Team Explorer).
Visual Studio supports different programming languages and allows the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming language, provided a language-specific service exists. Built-in languages include C, C++ and C++/CLI (via Visual C++), VB.NET (via Visual Basic .NET), C# (via Visual C#), and F# (as of Visual Studio 2010). Support for other languages such as M, Python, and Ruby among others is available via language services installed separately. It also supports XML/XSLT, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript and CSS. Java (and J#) were supported in the past.
Before Visual Studio 2015, Commercial versions of Visual Studio were available for free to students via Microsoft's DreamSpark program , when only commercial versions supported plugins. Starting with Visual Studio 2015, Microsoft provides "Community" editions of its Visual Studio at no cost to any one, where Community edition supports installing plugins.

Toolbar is Visual Studio:
Menus and toolbars are the way users access commands in your VSPackage. Commands are functions that accomplish tasks, such as printing a document, refreshing a view, or creating a new file. Menus and toolbars are convenient graphical ways to present your commands to users. Typically, related commands are clustered together on the same menu or toolbar.

  • Menus typically are displayed as one-word strings clustered in a row at the top of the integrated development environment (IDE) or a tool window. Menus also can be displayed as the result of a right-click event, and are referred to as shortcut menus in that context. When clicked, menus expand to display one or more commands. Commands, when clicked, can carry out tasks or launch submenus that contain additional commands. Some well-known menu names are File, Edit, View, and Window. For more information, see Extending Menus and Commands.
  • Toolbars typically are rows of buttons and other controls, such as combo boxes, list boxes, text boxes, and menu controllers. All toolbar controls are associated with commands. When you click a toolbar button, its associated command is activated. Toolbar buttons usually have icons that suggest the underlying commands, such as a printer for a Print command. In a drop-down list control, each item in the list is associated with a different command. A menu controller is a hybrid in which one side of the control is a toolbar button and the other side is a down arrow that displays additional commands when clicked. For more information, see Adding a Menu Controller to a Toolbar.
  • When you create a command, you also must create an event handler for it. The event handler determines when the command is visible or enabled, allows you to modify its text, and ensures that the command responds appropriately ("routes") when activated. In most instances, the IDE handles commands using the IOleCommandTarget interface. Commands in Visual Studio route in a hierarchical manner, starting with the innermost command context, based on the local selection, and proceeding to the outermost context, based on the global selection. Commands added to the main menu are immediately available for scripting. For more information, see MenuCommands Vs. OleMenuCommands and Selection Context Objects.

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