Literal in

What is Literal in

Asp Literal. Text or HTML content can be directly inserted in ASP.NET. This does not require a tag in the HTML. We add dynamic content and minimize the number of DOM elements in the rendered page. The asp Literal control is useful.
Example. Here we use the <asp Literal> control. This is a good way to render content from HtmlTextWriter or to add a comment to a page. First I show an example of the asp Literal tag in the aspx markup. Then we use it in C# source code-behind. 

<ul> <li><asp:Literal runat="server" ID="FeaturedCount1"/> articles</li> <li><asp:Literal runat="server" ID="CategoryCount1" /> <i><asp:Literal runat="server" ID="CategoryText1" /></i> articles similar to this one</li>

We can use code-behind in ASP.NET to "render" the above markup to actual concise page HTML. The above code shows a UL (unordered list), and we want the first list item to say "50 articles". FeaturedCount1 is where we will insert the 50.

public partial class SiteHome : MasterPage 
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
 // Set the bottom article count message. 
FeaturedCount1.Text = SiteStructure.Instance.MapCount.ToString(); 
// FeaturedCountSpan1.Text = "50"; 
string categoryName = "Category"; 
// Just for example. 
int countCat = SiteStructure.Instance.CountCategory(); CategoryCount1.Text = countCat.ToString();
 // "5" 
 CategoryText1.Text = categoryName;
 // "Category" 

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